Im happy to be involved in one of Swedens most innovative companies at the moment. Volvo Cars have started a studio focused on solving real life problems using digital. The studio is called Product Labs and its mission is to experiment and learn what’s valuable to customers, what experience makes it great and how to get customers to start using new offers.
I help Labs to develop designs for new services together with partner companies and scouts new technologies to discover and explore new ways to help customers. This is done by building proof of concepts and finding new ways to experiment with customers using digital services.
What is Volvo Product Labs
Volvo Product Labs is a studio passionate to experiment with customers quickly and build whats needed to learn, co-create with other companies, teams and talents to unlock new value. At Labs, we focus on how to take on the challenges of urbanization by making the car an asset for a everyone living in a smart city, helping people save time in their daily lives and change the way you can consume luxury transportation.
Doesnt it sound great! Join the team, true innovation starts by beeing curios and doing experiments.